18 Julai 2008





16 Julai 2008



Best R & B song from Shiela Majid..very soulful


PutraPg76 - Anda rasa adakah soalan itu dijawab dengan betul oleh Menteri Penerangan tersebut. Rasa-rasanya Menteri Penerangan itu patut mendapat penerangan daripada kabinet dulu baru nak berlagak jadi hero bagi UMNO.....

Pada bulan lalu, Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dengan Menteri Penerangan Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek telah diundang oleh akhbar portal Agenda Daily untuk berdebat satu tajuk yang menglibatkan dasar negara dan kepentingan rakyat.Debat yang bertajuk "Hari ini Membentuk Kerajaan, Esok Turun Harga Minyak" dijadualkan berlangsung pada 15 Julai, jam 9 malam pada asalnya akan disiarkan langsung melalui stesen televisyen TV3 dan Televisyen swasta Awani, dan stesen kerajaan RTM akan buat liputan tertunda. Namun sehari sebelum pendebatan ini, kami dimaklumkan dengan perubahan baru yang amat dikesali.Pada saat-saat terakhir, TV3 batalkan siaran langsung, dan ditukarkan kepada stesen televisyen TV9. Akhirnya penyiaran hanya terhad kepada Bernama TV dan Astro Awani yang hanya mempunyai kira-kira 2 juta pelanggan dalam negara ini; dan TV9 satu-satunya stesen televisyen awam yang mempunyai liputan pelanggan yang terhad.Apa yang mengecewakan lagi ialah, disebabkan oleh pertukaran stesen penyiaran dari stesen kerajaan kepada stesen swasta, masa penyiaran telah dikurangkan dari satu jam setengah kepada 52 minit ditambah dengan 8 minit iklan.Pertukaran stesen penyiaran dan pengurangan masa siaran jelas adalah untuk menyekat orang awam daripada mengikuti perdebatan yang jarang ini bagi mendengar penjelasan Anwar Ibrahim berhubung dengan isu harga minyak.Tindakan ini timbul tidak lain daripada rasa takut Barisan Nasional untuk berhadapan dengan Anwar Ibrahim dalam isu yang menjadi perhatian semua rakyat.Walau bagaimanapun, Anwar akan tetap menghadiri program Debat tersebut demi kepentingan rakyat umum. (tamat)

TIAN CHUA - Ketua Penerangan Parti Keadilan Rakyat @ Ahli Parlimen Batu, Wilayah Persekutuan


Polis menahan ketua umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim di luar rumahnya di Segambut Dalam dan dibawa ke ibu pejabat polis Kuala Lumpur tengahari ini. Beliau ditahan sekumpulan anggota polis, termasuk yang bertopeng dan berjaket - dipercayai Bahagian Jenayah Berat, kira-kira sejurus tiba dari Putrajaya selepas memberi keterangan kepada Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) di Putrajaya. Menurut peguam R Sivarasa, pihak polis telah menunggu kepulangan Anwar dan sebaik sahaja tiba, mereka membawa mantan timbalan perdana menteri itu, ke dalam kereta polis bercermin gelap dan membawanya ke IPK Kuala Lumpur. Anwar tiba di IPK Kuala Lumpur jam 1.11 tengahari dengan dikawal oleh konvoi 15 kenderaan. Manakala Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail mengesahkan kepada pemberita di Parlimen bahawa Anwar telah ditahan. Katanya, beliau menerima panggilan telefon dari Anwar yang mengesahkan bahawa beliau telah ditahan. Anwar juga, katanya, memberitahu bahawa beliau dilayan secara kasar oleh anggota polis yang menahannya itu.Wan Azizah berkata, Anwar memintanya pulang ke rumah untuk menenangkan anak-anaknya dan kemudiannya pergi ke pejabat polis terbabit. Naib presiden PKR, Azmin Ali tiba kira-kira jam 1.26 tengahari, dan menyifatkan tindakan polis itu sebagai "tidak bertamadun" kerana Anwar telah mengesahkan akan datang.Lagi pula, tambahnya, masa yang diberikan oleh polis sehingga jam 2 petang juga belum lagi tamat.Beliau juga menyifatkan tindakan polis sebagai tidak wajar kerana Anwar dikeluarkan dari keretanya di tepi jalan utama. Kira-kira 40 penyokong Anwar termasuk ahli-ahli parlimen Pakatan Rakyat kini berhimpun di IPK Kuala Lumpur, sementara lebih 200 orang berada di jalan utama menuju bangunan itu, depan bekas Penjara Pudu.Mereka termasuk Yusmadi Yusof, Zuraidi Kamaruddin, Dr Zulkifly Ahmad, Dr Hatta Ramli, Tian Chua serta Karpal Singh.Wan Azizah pula tiba dengan anak perempuannya, Nurul Nuha pada jam 1.30 hari. Difahamkan Anwar akan didakwa mengikut Seksyen 377C, Kanun Keseksaan. Dalam pindaan terbaru, peruntukan ini berbunyi seperti berikut: Di bawah seksyen ini, seseorang melakukan kesalahan jika dia membuat hubungan seks dengan orang lain dengan memasukkan sesuatu benda ke dalam faraj atau dubur orang yang satu lagi itu. Jika sabit kesalahan, orang yang melakukan kesalahan itu boleh dihukum dengan hukuman pemenjaraan sehingga 20 tahun dan boleh juga dihukum sebat. Kelihatan sepasukan anggota polis memantau pergerakan para penyokong yang berhimpun di situ. Turut kelihatan ialah sebuah trak meriam air.Ahli Parlimen PKR, Wee Choo Keong, yang berada di dalam bangunan itu berkata, Wan Azizah dan dua anaknya - Nurul Izzah dan Nurul Nuha - dibenarkan menemui Anwar di tingkat tujuh pada kira-kira jam 2 petang.Pada jam 2.35 petang, Wan Azizah dan anak-anaknya, serta peguam Sankara Nair muncul dari bangunan tersebut.Pada jam 2.40 petang, ahli Parlimen DAP termasuk Lim Kit Siang, Tan Kok Wai, Fong Kui Lun dan Anthony Loke juga kelihatan meninggal dari bangunan tersebut.Loke berkata, mereka hanya dibenarkan menunggu di kantin, dan semua ahli Parlimen Pakatan akan balik ke Parlimen untuk "membangkitkan isu tersebut".Pada jam 2.50 petang, Ketua Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK), Shamsul Iskandar berkata, pihak polis sudah mula menyoalsiasat Anwar.Katanya, perhimpunan sokongan kerdipan lilin akan diadakan di luar bangunan tersebut jika Anwar tidak dibebaskan hari ini.Peguam Latheefa Koya pula berkata, Anwar ditahan sebagai suspek, tetapi pihak polis mahu merakamkan kenyataannya sebagai saksi mengikut Seksyen 112 Kanun Prosedur Jenayah."(Pada kira-kira jam 2.40 petang, peguam) Sulaiman Abdullah masuk bersama peguam Param Cumaraswamy. Anwar akan diwakili oleh tiga peguam termasuk Sulaiman. Param berada di situ sebagai tokoh antarabangsa," katanya.(Param merupakan bekas pelapor Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) bagi kebebasan hakim dan peguam). Sementara itu, pada jam 5.40 petang, peguam N Sankara Nair memberitahu, Anwar masih lagi memberi kenyataan kepada pihak polis.

07 Julai 2008


Apa Kata Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor....

Apa kata heroku - Raja Petra Kamarudin




“Saya Mohd Saiful Bukhari b Azlan ingin melaporkan bahawa saya telah diliwat oleh majikan saya. Perkara ini berlaku tanpa kerelaan saya. Kejadian terakhir berlaku 26/6/08 di Unit 1151, Kondominium Desa Damansara, Jln Setia Kasih, KL. Oleh itu, tujuan laporan ini dibuat untuk mendapat pembelaan dan keadilan keatas diri saya. Saya juga berasa bimbang dengan keselamatan diri dan keluarga saya jika perkara ini tersebar luas di khalayak ramai. Majikan saya Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim - Ketua Umum PKR.”

Secara ironiknya..kes liwat ini muncul kembali ketika isu C-4 Altantuya Sharibuu sedang hangat diperkatakan oleh semua pihak. Tambahan pula Raja Petra Kamarudin telah bersumpah bahawa Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak & Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor terlibat dalam kes pembunuhan wanita Mongolia tersebut..BN mungkin sudah ketandusan idea untuk memerangkap DSAI yang akan menjadi PM Malaysia w.e.f. September'08 atau isu ini adalah cubaan untuk mengalihkan perhatian rakyat terhadap kes Altantuya Sharibuu yang semakin rancak ketika ini

Dengarlah penjelasan sendiri dari DSAI tentang isu liwat yang hangat diperkatakan



Patutnya inilah lambang bagi Pakatan Rakyat untuk menentang dacing di dalam pilihanraya


Date : 6/7/2008
Time : 12.00 pm
Venue : Restoran Pen Mutiara (Curry House)
makan ok..harga mentakedarah..bawal RM25.00...total bill..RM68.00


Date : 5/7/2008
Time : 10 pm
Venue : Majid Chelor-Chelor (Blakang Balai Polis Dato' Kramat) @ Padang Brown
Makan ok..harga ok..macam-macam pilihan ada

04 Julai 2008


lagu ni kelasss..la best classic rock from ACDC






Imagine there's no heaven..It's easy if you try..No hell below us..Above us only sky..Imagine all the people..Living for today...Imagine there's no countries..It isn't hard to do..Nothing to kill or die for..And no religion too..Imagine all the people..Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer..But I'm not the only one..I hope someday you'll join us..And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions..I wonder if you can..No need for greed or hunger..A brotherhood of man.Imagine all the people..Sharing all the world...

You may say..I'm a dreamer..But I'm not the only one..I hope someday you'll join us..And the world will live as one



scene ni buat aku cair..jiwang gak aku ni..tapi best la gambar ni


hai obat..hai obat..mari beli ubat..la.la.la




Protes Sejuta Rakyat Ditukar Ke Stadium MBPJ Kelana Jaya

Perhimpunan Aman Protes Sejuta Rakyat yang dijadualkan pada 6 Julai ini di Padang Timur Petaling Jaya ditukar ke Stadium MBPJ Kelana Jaya. Penyelaras Gabungan Protes Dr Hatta Ramli mengesahkan penukaran lokasi perhimpunan itu. Menurut Ketua Angkatan Muda KeADILan (AMK) Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin, perubahan tempat itu diputuskan dalam mesyuarat Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat di kediaman Ketua Umum KeADILan Anwar Ibrahim di Bukit Segambut Damansara malam semalam. Parti-parti Pakatan Rakyat dijangka menggemblengkan sejuta rakyat sebagai tanda bantahan kepada kenaikan harga minyak dan inflasi mutakhir ini. Stadium Kelana Jaya, terletak berhampiran Tasik Kelana Jaya dan pasaraya Giant, boleh memuatkan 50,000 tempat duduk dan terletak bersebelahan Lebuhraya Damansara-Puchong. Padangnya juga boleh memuatkuan jumlah hadirin yang sama. Hadirin boleh menaiki sistem Transit Aliran Ringan (LRT) ke Stesen Kelana Jaya atau Taman Bahagia, atau menggunakan perkhidmatan bas Rapid KL iaitu: U84 Pasar Seni-Kelana Jaya, U86 Bandar Utama-Sri Damansara, U88 Pasar Seni-Kota Damansara dan U89 Stesen LRT Kelana Jaya-Kota Damansara, T623 Stesen LRT Kelana Jaya-Taman Mayang Mas, T624 Kelana Jaya Sunway-Subang Parade dan T625 Kelana Jaya-Stadium MBPJ

Best Song From The Best Movies of 80's


This beatiful ballad from OST Footloose


Who could forget this song...


Berikutan adalah teks penuh P Balasubramaniam yang didedahkan pada pagi 3 Julai, 2008 di sidang media di ibupejabat Parti Keadilan Rakyat.


I, Balasubramaniam a/l Perumal a Malaysian Citizen of full age and residing at xxxx do solemly and sincerely declare as follows :-

1. I have been a police officer with the Royal Malaysian Police Force having jointed as a constable in 1981 attached to the Police Field Force. I was then promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal and finally resigned from the Police Force in 1998 when I was with the Special Branch.

2. I have been working as a free lance Private Investigator since I left the Police Force.

3. Sometime in June or July 2006, I was employed by Abdul Razak Baginda for a period of 10 days to look after him at his office at the Bangunan Getah Asli, Jalan Ampang between the hours of 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m each working day as apparently he was experiencing disturbances from a third party.

4. I resigned from this job after 2 ½ days as I was not receiving any proper instructions.

5. I was however re-employed by Abdul Razak Baginda on the 05-10-2006 as he had apparently received a harassing phone call from a Chinese man calling himself ASP Tan who had threatened him to pay his debts. I later found out this gentleman was in fact a private investigator called Ang who was employed by a Mongolian woman called Altantuya Shaaribuu.

6. Abdul Razak Baginda was concerned that a person by the name of Altantuya Shaaribuu, a Mongolian woman, was behind this threat and that she would be arriving in Malaysia very soon to try and contact him.

7. Abdul Razak Baginda informed me that he was concerned by this as he had been advised that Altantuya Shaaribuu had been given some powers by a Mongolian ‘bomoh’ and that he could never look her in the face because of this.

8. When I enquired as to who this Mongolian woman was, Abdul Razak Baginda informed me that she was a friend of his who had been introduced to him by a VIP and who asked him to look after her financially.

9. I advised him to lodge a police report concerning the threatening phone call he had received from the Chinese man known as ASP Tan but he refused to do so as he informed me there were some high profile people involved.

10. Abdul Razak Baginda further told me that Altantuya Shaaribuu was a great liar and good in convincing people. She was supposed to have been very demanding financially and that he had even financed a property for her in Mongolia.

11. Abdul Razak Baginda then let me listen to some voice messages on his handphone asking him to pay what was due otherwise he would be harmed and his daughter harassed.

12. I was therefore supposed to protect his daughter Rowena as well.

13. On the 09.10.2006 I received a phone call from Abdul Razak Baginda at about 9.30 a.m. informing me that Altantuya was in his office and he wanted me there immediately. As I was in the midst of a surveillance, I sent my assistant Suras to Abdul Razak Baginda’s office and I followed a little later. Suras managed to control the situation and had persuaded Altantuya and her two friends to leave the premises. However Altantuya left a note written on some Hotel Malaya note paper, in English, asking Abdul Razak Baginda to call her on her handphone (number given) and wrote down her room number as well.

14. Altantuya had introduced herself to Suras as ‘Aminah’ and had informed Suras she was there to see her boyfriend Abdul Razak Baginda.

15. These 3 Mongolian girls however returned to Abdul Razak Baginda’s office at the Bangunan Getah Asli, Jalan Ampang again, the next day at about 12.00 noon. They did not enter the building but again informed Suras that they wanted to meet Aminah’s boyfriend, Abdul Razak Baginda.

16. On the 11.10.2006, Aminah returned to Abdul Razak Baginda’s office on her own and gave me a note to pass to him, which I did. Abdul Razak Baginda showed me the note which basically asked him to call her urgently.

17. I suggested to Abdul Razak Baginda that perhaps it may be wise to arrange for Aminah to be arrested if she harassed him further, but he declined as he felt she would have to return to Mongolia as soon as her cash ran out.

18. In the meantime I had arranged for Suras to perform surveillance on Hotel Malaya to monitor the movements of these 3 Mongolian girls, but they recognized him. Apparently they become friends with Suras after that and he ended up spending a few nights in their hotel room.

19. When Abdul Razak Baginda discovered Suras was becoming close to Aminah he asked me to pull him out from Hotel Malaya.

20. On the 14.10.2006, Aminah turned up at Abdul Razak Baginda’s house in Damansara Heights when I was not there. Abdul Razak Baginda called me on my handphone to inform me of this so I rushed back to his house. As I arrived, I noticed Aminah outside the front gates shouting “Razak, bastard, come out from the house”. I tried to calm her down but couldn’t so I called the police who arrived in 2 patrol cars. I explained the situation to the police, who took her away to the Brickfields police station.

21. I followed the patrol cars to Brickfields police station in a taxi. I called Abdul Razak Baginda and his lawyer Dirren to lodge a police report but they refused.

22. When I was at the Brickfields police station, Aminah’s own Private Investigator, one Mr. Ang arrived and we had a discussion. I was told to deliver a demand to Abdul Razak Baginda for USD$500,000.00 and 3 tickets to Mongolia, apparently as commission owed to Aminah from a deal in Paris.

23. As Aminah had calmed down at this stage, a policewoman at the Brickfields police station advised me to leave and settle the matter amicably.

24. I duly informed Abdul Razak Baginda of the demands Aminah had made and told him I was disappointed that no one wanted to back me up in lodging a police report. We had a long discussion about the situation when I expressed a desire to pull out of this assignment.

25. During this discussion and in an attempt to persuade me to continue my employment with him, Abdul Razak Baginda informed me that :-

25.1 He had been introduced to Aminah by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak at a diamond exhibition in Singapore.

25.2 Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak informed Abdul Razak Baginda that he had a sexual relationship with Aminah and that she was susceptible to anal intercourse.

25.3 Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak wanted Abdul Razak Baginda to look after Aminah as he did not want her to harass him since he was now the Deputy Prime Minister.

25.4 Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, Abdul Razak Baginda and Aminah had all been together at a dinner in Paris.

25.5 Aminah wanted money from him as she felt she was entitled to a USD$500,000.00 commission on a submarine deal she assisted with in Paris.

26. On the 19.10.2006, I arrived at Abdul Razak Baginda’s house in Damansara Heights to begin my night duty. I had parked my car outside as usual. I saw a yellow proton perdana taxi pass by with 3 ladies inside, one of whom was Aminah. The taxi did a U-turn and stopped in front of the house where these ladies rolled down the window and wished me ‘Happy Deepavali’. The taxi then left.

27. About 20 minutes later the taxi returned with only Aminah in it. She got out of the taxi and walked towards me and started talking to me. I sent an SMS to Abdul Razak Baginda informing him “Aminah was here”. I received an SMS from Razak instructing me “To delay her until my man comes”.

28. Whist I was talking to Aminah, she informed me of the following :-

28.1 That she met Abdul Razak Baginda in Singapore with Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

28.2 That she had also met Abdul Razak Baginda and Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak at a dinner in Paris.

28.3 That she was promised a sum of USD$500,000.00 as commission for assisting in a Submarine deal in Paris.

28.4 That Abdul Razak Baginda had bought her a house in Mongolia but her brother had refinanced it and she needed money to redeem it.

28.5 That her mother was ill and she needed money to pay for her treatment.

28.6 That Abdul Razak Baginda had married her in Korea as her mother is Korean whilst her father was a Mongolian/Chinese mix.

28.7 That if I wouldn’t allow her to see Abdul Razak Baginda, would I be able to arrange for her to see Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

29. After talking to Aminah for about 15 minutes, a red proton aeroback arrived with a woman and two men. I now know the woman to be Lance Corporal Rohaniza and the men, Azilah Hadri and Sirul Azahar. They were all in plain clothes. Azilah walked towards me while the other two stayed in the car.

30. Azilah asked me whether the woman was Aminah and I said ‘Yes’. He then walked off and made a few calls on his handphone. After 10 minutes another vehicle, a blue proton saga, driven by a Malay man, passed by slowly. The drivers window had been wound down and the driver was looking at us.

31. Azilah then informed me they would be taking Aminah away. I informed Aminah they were arresting her. The other two persons then got out of the red proton and exchanged seats so that Lance Corporal Rohaniza and Aminah were in the back while the two men were in the front. They drove off and that is the last I ever saw of Aminah.

32. Abdul Razak Baginda was not at home when all this occurred.

33. After the 19.10.2006, I continued to work for Abdul Razak Baginda at his house in Damansara Heights from 7.00 p.m. to 8.00 a.m. the next morning, as he had been receiving threatening text messages from a woman called ‘Amy’ who was apparently ‘Aminah’s’ cousin in Mongolia.

34. On the night of the 20.10.2006, both of Aminah’s girl friends turned up at Abdul Razak Baginda’s house enquiring where Aminah was. I informed them she had been arrested the night before. 35. A couple of nights later, these two Mongolian girls, Mr. Ang and another Mongolian girl called ‘Amy’ turned up at Abdul Razak Baginda’s house looking for Aminah as they appeared to be convinced she was being held in the house.

36. A commotion began so I called the police who arrived shortly thereafter in a patrol car. Another patrol car arrived a short while later in which was the investigating officer from the Dang Wangi Police Station who was in charge of the missing persons report lodged by one of the Mongolians girls, I believe was Amy.

37. I called Abdul Razak Baginda who was at home to inform him of the events taking place at his front gate. He then called DSP Musa Safri and called me back informing me that Musa Safri would be calling handphone and I was to pass the phone to the Inspector from Dang Wangi Police Station.

38. I then received a call on my handphone from Musa Safri and duly handed the phone to the Dang Wangi Inspector. The conversation lasted 3 – 4 minutes after which he told the girls to disperse and to go to see him the next day.

39. On or about the 24.10.2006, Abdul Razak Baginda instructed me to accompany him to the Brickfields police station as he had been advised to lodge a police report about the harassment he was receiving from these Mongolian girls.

40. Before this, Amy had sent me an SMS informing me she was going to Thailand to lodge a report with the Mongolian consulate there regarding Aminah’s disappearance. Apparently she had sent the same SMS to Abdul Razak Baginda. This is why he told me he had been advised to lodge a police report.

41. Abdul Razak Baginda informed me that DPS Musa Safri had introduced him to one DSP Idris, the head of the Criminal division, Brickfields police station, and that Idris had referred him to ASP Tonny.

42. When Abdul Razak Baginda had lodged his police report at Brickfields police station, in front of ASP Tonny, he was asked to make a statement but he refused as he said he was leaving for overseas. He did however promise to prepare a statement and hand ASP Tonny a thumb drive. I know that this was not done as ASP Tonny told me.

43. However ASP Tonny asked me the next day to provide my statement instead and so I did.

44. I stopped working for Abdul Razak Baginda on the 26.10.2006 as this was the day he left for Hong Kong on his own.

45. In mid November 2006, I received a phone call from ASP Tonny from the IPK Jalan Hang Tuah asking me to see him regarding Aminah’s case. When I arrived there I was immediately arrested under S.506 of the Penal Code for Criminal intimidation.

46. I was then placed in the lock up and remanded for 5 days. On the third day I was released on police bail.

47. At the end of November 2006, the D9 department of the IPK sent a detective to my house to escort me to the IPK Jalan Hang Tuah. When I arrived, I was told I was being arrested under S.302 of the Penal Code for murder. I was put in the lock up and remanded for 7 days.

48. I was transported to Bukit Aman where I was interrogated and questioned about an SMS I had received from Abdul Razak Baginda on the 19.10.2006 which read “delay her until my man arrives”. They had apparently retrieved this message from Abdul Razak Baginda’s handphone.

49. They then proceeded to record my statement from 8.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. everyday for 7 consecutive days. I told them all I knew including everything Abdul Razak Baginda and Aminah had told me about their relationships with Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak but when I came to sign my statement, these details had been left out.

50. I have given evidence in the trial of Azilah, Sirul and Abdul Razak Baginda at the Shah Alam High Court. The prosecutor did not ask me any questions in respect of Aminah’s relationship with Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak or of the phone call I received from DSP Musa Safri, whom I believe was the ADC for Datuk Seri Najib Razak and/or his wife. 51. On the day Abdul Razak Baginda was arrested, I was with him at his lawyers office at 6.30 a.m. Abdul Razak Baginda informed us that he had sent Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak an SMS the evening before as he refused to believe he was to be arrested, but had not received a response.

52. Shortly thereafter, at about 7.30 a.m., Abdul Razak Baginda received an SMS from Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and showed, this message to both myself and his lawyer. This message read as follows :- “ I am seeing IGP at 11.00 a.m. today …… matter will be solved … be cool”.

53. I have been made to understand that Abdul Razak Baginda was arrested the same morning at his office in the Bangunan Getah Asli, Jalan Ampang.

54. The purpose of this Statutory declaration is to :-

54.1 State my disappointment at the standard of investigations conducted by the authorities into the circumstances surrounding the murder of Altantuya Shaaribuu.

54.2 Bring to the notice of the relevant authorities the strong possibility that there are individuals other than the 3 accused who must have played a role in the murder of Altantuya Shaaribuu.

54.3 Persuade the relevant authorities to reopen their investigations into this case immediately so that any fresh evidence may be presented to the Court prior to submissions at the end of the prosecutions case.

54.4 Emphasize the fact that having been a member of the Royal Malaysian Police Force for 17 years I am absolutely certain no police officer would shoot someone in the head and blow up their body without receiving specific instructions from their superiors first.

54.5. Express my concern that should the defence not be called in the said murder trial, the accused, Azilah and Sirul will not have to swear on oath and testify as to the instructions they received and from whom they were given.

55. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declaration Act 1960.

The Beatles - Here Come The Sun

Aku cukup minat lagu ni...rasa macam membangkitkan semangat bila pagi nak pi kerja....


how come everytime i see this..i still find it funny

see for yourself....

02 Julai 2008

With Two My Lovely Daughter - Yasmin Syazleen & Yasmin Syamimie

Banned Commercial - Funny!!!

Banned Commercial - PROTON

Why the hell government decide to banned this commercial??!!..This so funny

Hujan - Pagi Yang Gelap (Live)

Selamatkan Malaysia, Keadilan Untuk Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim!!!

Ketua Umum KeADILan, Anwar Ibrahim akan membuat satu laporan Polis terhadap Peguam Negara, Ghani Patail dan bekas Ketua Polis Negara Musa Hassan di Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontijen Shah Alam 2 Petang ini. Manakala satu sidang akhbar pula akan menyusul di Ibu Pejabat KeADILan di Damansara pada jam 3.30 petang. Semalam kira-kira 200 orang berkumpul di Ibu Pejabat KeADILan bagi mendengar amanat Anwar selepas pulang dari kedutaan Turki jam 6 petang semalam. Walaubagaimanapun Anwar tidak dapat menghadirkan diri kerana beliau dikatakan mempunyai perjumpaan penting bersama barisan peguam.